By John Farlow on Tuesday, 08 August 2017
Category: Companies & Startups

Why Netflix could be your best companion in the living room

Netflix is an American entertainment company founded on August, 1997 It specializes in and provides streaming media and video-on-demand online and DVD by mail. In 2013, Netflix expanded into film and television production, as well as online distribution. By July 2017, Netflix had 100+ million subscribers worldwide.

Let's have a look how Netflix is doing.

Membership Subscriptions - in July 2017, the total number of the subscribers has pushed past the 100 million milestone.

Customer satisfaction. In a few of the criteria for quality of service, Netflix outperforms its competitors in each of these metrics. That is from a customer point of view, which makes it all the more relevant.

In the Living Room.

Graphic sources:, links to above graphs 1, 2 and 3. Cover image: Tracy Thomas, unsplash

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