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2022 Snowflake Summit June 13-16 Vegas

2022 Snowflake Summit June 13-16 Vegas

This year's Snowflake Summit is coming and it is a four-days' event and is data focused. People and organizations that comprise the Data Cloud are expected to join the event and there will be discussions and talks around developing new data products and data apps.

If you are interested in data cloud, data engineering and analytics, some talks below 
  • Elevate the Future: Partnerships in the Data Cloud
  • From Click-to-Cash: Optimizing Customer Experiences that Increase Revenue through Accelerated Analytics with Heap and Snowflake
  • Building the Foundation for Modern Data Engineering at Canva
  • The Power of Snowpark Applied to Redact Highly Confidential Data From Voice Transcripts for AI/ML and Analytics
  • Unlocking the Value of Cross-Institutional Data Sharing on Snowflake
  • Compliance and Risk Considerations in Using Snowflake within the EU Financial Services Sector
  • Creating a World-Leading Data and Analytics Platform
  • Data Mesh at Warner Bros. Discovery
  • Using DataOps to Build and Manage Data Products and Data Mesh on Snowflake

Find out more at Snowflake's website.

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