
Ant Financial now ranks among the world's most valuable financial services firms

Ant Financial now ranks among the world's most valuable financial services firms

Ant Financial was initially launched to support online payments. Today, it’s ecosystem covers financial services, from wealth management and insurance to lending and credit scores. Ant counts nearly 600M Alipay users, plus 110M+ Alipay partners across 15 countries — is much bigger than payments alone. 100M+ users use all 5 of Ant’s key functions, meaning that they not only use Ant’s payments function to make everyday purchases, but also use Ant to take out loans, buy insurance, check credit scores, and invest assets in Ant’s money market fund — Yu’e Bao.

Valued at $150B,Ant Financial now ranks among the world's most valuable financial services firms, it trumps the market capitalizations of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to Banco Santander and The Royal Bank of Canada.

Source: CBInsights

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